Take an Triangular Approach to Message Prep

Every time we talk to someone we have an implicit or explicit expectation of action or outcome. Consider …

  • You tell your team you appreciate their efforts. You are rewarding past behavior and building esprit de corp for future challenges.
  • You ask a customer if they were aware of a pending event. You demonstrate expertise and position yourself as a trusted advisor.
  • You tell a friend that you really respect them. You are investing in the depth and breadth of your relationship.

If there is always an expected outcome, what is the most expeditious way to create messages that will achieve the desired results?

Take a triangular approach.

Your message — the center of the triangle — will be most effective if you take into account the three points of the triangle.

Audience is at the apex of the triangle. It is there for a reason. You must start with your audience’s point of view? Put yourself in their shoes. Ask yourself the questions that they are asking themselves.

  • What is being talked about?
  • Is it important?
  • Why?
  • What is in it for me?
  • What does the speaker want me to do?

Move counterclockwise to Mindset (Empathy).

Whether you’re talking to your client’s CEO or your neighbor’s gardener, your attitude will scream through your words, your tone and your body language.

  • Are you starting with an empathetic mindset?
  • Do you care about your audience?
  • Have you considered who your audience is and what’s important to them?
  • Have you considered factors that may impede their ability to accomplish a particular action?
  • Are you reaching out respectfully?

Warning: In written communications, where tone and body language are muted, your audience will infer your attitude based on your choice of words and the phrasing you use. Taken together, these two elements will broadcast telltale clues to your feelings towards your audience.

The third vertex is Outcome. You will maximum effectiveness by taking the time to identify the desired outcome or action you expect out of your audience.
Do you want someone on your team to create a report?
Do you want your customer to sign the deal?
Do you want your teenager to fill the car with gas?

Knowing the outcome you want also helps you select and prioritize your content.

The more clarity you have on each of the points around the triangle, the easier it will be to craft a message that gets the results you want.

Our proprietary, Back of the Envelope process will help you create Killer Communications® that get the results you want.